What to know about Astrology and Tarot. 


What is Astrology?

Astrology is an interpretive art form, a branch of divination rooted in the understanding that the positioning of the stars and planets affect the way events occur here on earth. Astrologers will use the combination of scientific knowledge of the cosmos, along with the study of energetic patterns, to then create a narrative on how the planets shape our reality, personal psychology, and subconscious mind. Astrology allows us to see past the surface level of life. It not only opens us into the deeper meanings of our consciousness but also guides us to better navigate our externalized life circumstances. A natal chart or birth chart, is an astrological map showing the relative position of planets, angles, points and zodiacal placement at the exact moment of a persons birth. The birth chart is calculated using the exact time, date, and place where you were born.  

What to expect from your Natal Chart Consultation.

Astrology can illuminate many things about you, the entire consultation process holds space for a discussion about your life. During your reading I will break down your entire natal chart for you. We will discuss major life themes, special placements, strengths, challenges, as well as your authentic potential.Your natal chart will also reflect your desires, family dynamics, relationship patterns, children and fertility, talents, career choices and financial indicators. After your session, you will have a deeper awareness of who you are and how to nurture your strengths while managing and integrating your shadow aspects. All that being said. I like my clients to remember that they are the one’s creating their life. Astrology does not happen to you, it is you. The knowledge that comes with understanding your chart pattern is power. When you work with it, your life and the world around you changes.

How will we connect for readings?

In person or Zoom. I love giving readings in person. Something significant takes place through physical human connection. However, for the sake of necessity and practicality, online readings have become the norm and Zoom is my platform of choice. Zoom offers video and screen sharing, allowing you to see your chart, transits and cards as well as it also has the ability to record the reading for you to reflect back on if you so choose.

 How Zoom scheduling works: After we have scheduled the day/time to connect, I send you a link via your email prior to our scheduled appointment. All you have to do is click on the link and you will be automatically connected to our scheduled Zoom meeting. I normally perform my Zoom readings using the screen share option only — without video. If you prefer video to be included, let me know prior and I will make that happen. *If you choose to record the reading, please let me know you will be doing so once we get started.

 For quick readings or shorter services, I am open to connect via text, phone, email, or face time.  


Everything is confidential. Your chart, any personal details that comes through during your readings, nor your information will ever be shared. 

I am learning astrology, do you provide tutoring?

I love to teach! If you are new to astrology and looking for one-on-one tutoring services, please contact me directly and we will work out a plan with pricing that works for you.  

Payment Options:

Through my site, PayPal or Venmo are my preferred methods of payment. 

What if I don’t know all of my birth information?

Correct birth information is the absolute requirement of an accurate Astrology reading. The accuracy of the birth time is the most important. Even a 5 minute variation can create major differences in the chart. Chart rectification is a technical procedure, that by comparing dates and facts about a persons life against potential times and charts, help narrow in on the probable time if birth. However, Proper chart rectification takes time and is an additional expense. I highly recommend finding your accurate data prior to booking your service.

What is The Tarot?

The Tarot is a divinatory and visual tool designed to open a pathway of higher thinking that when weighed against a particular question, provides the seeker with guidance and insight. The Tarot deck is made up of 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana cards, each with their own illustration, symbolism and meaning. The origin of the Tarot is relatively unknown. Thought to be originally created as a type of playing card in 14th century Europe, the Tarot was re-discovered by occultists in the late 18th century England. When the followers of the occult discovered them, they saw the symbolic pictures of the cards as having deeper divinatory meanings and began using the cards as an oracle. The Tarot have since become an important tool in occult philosophy. Though the cards can be incredibly predictive, this old art form is not crystal-ball type fortune telling, nor does one have to be psychic to use them. While a highly adept reader is key to a successful reading, the reader acts more as a guide for the cards. The cards are designed to provide an awareness of the innermost truths of the higher self. Meaning, the cards provide answers the seeker already knows deep within.A good Tarot reading will affirm the seekers own intuition.  

Can The Tarot predict the future?

While the Tarot can provide incredible insight and be strikingly accurate, it is not designed to “predict” the future. Humans have free will and the future never has a guaranteed outcome. The Tarot is designed to pull out the inner most truth of a situation. The cards provide clues and scenarios for the querent/seeker to work through. The cards are also known to bring forth their own conversation, asking the seeker to look at their situation differently than when they did coming in. Anything “predictive” that comes through the reading is more likely to come through the readers or the seekers own intuitive channels. 

What kind of questions do I ask?

From my professional experience readings that provide the most meaningful results involve questions that are:
A.) Non Subjective and B.) Actionable

Subjectivity: Is any question you bring forward should ideally not require an answer that is solely based on personal biases, tastes, or opinion.

Actionable: Is a question, that in response to the cards answer, allows you to take action (If you choose), switch course, or change your mindset based on the cards response.

I get a lot of questions involving money, wealth, fame, success…etc. A question like, “Am I going to be rich?” is not actionable and is completely subjective. A better way to phrase similar question would be, “What can I do to increase my income?…    

What to expect from your Tarot Reading.

I have developed a unique method that uses a combination of the visual narrative the cards provide, the energetic and elemental energy of the suits, along with the cards’ astrological correspondences. All layered in with my intuitive interpretation.

When it comes to our card reading, I work solely by time allowance. Within your scheduled time frame, you are able to ask as many questions as desired regarding your inquiry and we pull as many cards as we need to provide clarity. With that being said, when coming into the reading, the more forthright you are regarding your questions, the better the cards will be in providing the answers. It is of my professional opinion that you at least sleep on your questions, or better yet, spend a couple days “simmering” with what you are asking. This process removes the emotional noise and clears your intention, thus allowing a clear and accurate response. 

Do you still perform Reiki Healing sessions?

As of 2018 I decided to no longer provide hands-on energy healing services for clients. I chose to re-focus my training and knowledge into providing energetic counseling services for clients, allowing them the power to energetically heal themselves. I still actively use Reiki in my art and talismanic offerings for clients.